Ultimate Visionary Mind

Success Stories

Jeremy's Story

Jeremy was a sixteen year old high school student with a brilliant mind. His parent spoke to me and told how Jeremy could learn new things quickly and easily in school however every time he had to take a quiz or a test he would panic and would do poorly. He knew the material he just became so stressed out that he would forget everything.
When Jeremy and I met for the first time he told me briefly what was going on with him in school and how he panicked during tests. I did not want to spend too much time focusing on why he panicked. It was more important to find out if Jeremy did anything really well and how it made him feel (By the way everybody does something well I have yet to meet anybody who doesn’t).
My purpose was to find the resources in him that let him feel good about himself. In order to do something well you have to be relaxed and confident while you are doing it. Those skills go hand in hand with each other.
Jeremy told me that he liked playing video games and making sculptures of the characters he liked from the games. These were no ordinary sculptures. They were less than two inches tall and they were perfect in detail. They were really amazing.
He took me through the process of how he created his sculptures. First he would play a video game and find a character he really liked. Then he would study the character by drawing it out on a piece of paper in exact detail. He would look at the drawing until he had a clear sharp picture of it, in his mind.
Once Jeremy was clear on how he wanted it to look, he would take tiny pieces of clay in different colors and mold and shape them until they were exactly how he saw the picture in his mind. The whole time he is telling how he does this, he is telling me with passion, energy and confidence. His mind is clear and sharp on what and how it needs to be done. And he is smiling.
As I was thinking about his process of making these incredibly detailed sculptures it dawned on me that doing well in school and taking tests was just like creating these sculptures. When I said this to him, he looked at me like I was crazy. So I explained to him why they were the same.
Going to class and learning something new was just like study a new character he wanted to sculpt. Drawing out a picture of the sculpture in detail, was the same thing as doing your homework, making that new picture or idea clear and sharp in your mind.
When he begins to take the different colored pieces of clay and mold them until they match the picture in his mind, is exactly the same thing as taking a quiz or a test. That quiz or test is simply a piece of paper or clay waiting for you to answer the questions and “mold and shape” that quiz or test into what you want, an “A” just the way you see in your mind.
The same way he sees the sculpture in his mind and molds and sculpts the clay until he gets the result he wants. Jeremy gave me a confused look and then he smiled and understood.
All Jeremy needed to do was make that same connection at a deep subconscious level of mind, realizing that they really were the same and “this is just like that”. It really is that simple. Jeremy is an honor student and as of the publishing of this book is graduating high school and it getting ready for college. The world could use more incredible people like Jeremy.
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Call 847-331-5848 or email Scott 

Read the success stories of Jimmy, Allison, Pete, Nilsa, Mark, and Tom

Success Stories

Jeremy's Story

Jeremy was a sixteen year old high school student with a brilliant mind. His parent spoke to me and told how Jeremy could learn new things quickly and easily in school however every time he had to take a quiz or a test he would panic and would do poorly.
He knew the material he just became so stressed out that he would forget everything. When Jeremy and I met for the first time he told me briefly what was going on with him in school and how he panicked during tests. I did not want to spend too much time focusing on why he panicked.
It was more important to find out if Jeremy did anything really well and how it made him feel (By the way everybody does something well I have yet to meet anybody who doesn’t).
My purpose was to find the resources in him that let him feel good about himself. In order to do something well you have to be relaxed and confident while you are doing it. Those skills go hand in hand with each other.
Jeremy told me that he liked playing video games and making sculptures of the characters he liked from the games. These were no ordinary sculptures. They were less than two inches tall and they were perfect in detail. They were really amazing.
He took me through the process of how he created his sculptures. First he would play a video game and find a character he really liked. Then he would study the character by drawing it out on a piece of paper in exact detail. He would look at the drawing until he had a clear sharp picture of it, in his mind.
Once Jeremy was clear on how he wanted it to look, he would take tiny pieces of clay in different colors and mold and shape them until they were exactly how he saw the picture in his mind.
The whole time he is telling how he does this, he is telling me with passion, energy and confidence. His mind is clear and sharp on what and how it needs to be done. And he is smiling.
As I was thinking about his process of making these incredibly detailed sculptures it dawned on me that doing well in school and taking tests was just like creating these sculptures.
When I said this to him, he looked at me like I was crazy. So I explained to him why they were the same. Going to class and learning something new was just like study a new character he wanted to sculpt.
Drawing out a picture of the sculpture in detail, was the same thing as doing your homework, making that new picture or idea clear and sharp in your mind. When he begins to take the different colored pieces of clay and mold them until they match the picture in his mind, is exactly the same thing as taking a quiz or a test.
That quiz or test is simply a piece of paper or clay waiting for you to answer the questions and “mold and shape” that quiz or test into what you want, an “A” just the way you see in your mind. The same way he sees the sculpture in his mind and molds and sculpts the clay until he gets the result he wants.
Jeremy gave me a confused look and then he smiled and understood. All Jeremy needed to do was make that same connection at a deep subconscious level of mind, realizing that they really were the same and “this is just like that”. It really is that simple.
Jeremy is an honor student and as of the publishing of this book is graduating high school and it getting ready for college. The world could use more incredible people like Jeremy.
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Call 847-331-5848

Read the success stories of Jimmy, Allison, Pete, Nilsa, Mark, and Tom